conflict mediation

truth-telling & repair

Rebecca supports community and interpersonal conflict through a transformative justice lens. Her approach is informed by the work of adrienne maree brown, Mia Mingus, Mariame Kaba, & Shira Hassan. Rebecca is particularly attuned to race-based conflict (intraracial and interracial) and is unavailable for gender-based conflict, sexual harassment, DV, or assault.

conflict mediation

Mediation is the process of holding space for the expression of tension and conflict in an effort toward repair and accountability. This process is best used when a pair or group of people cannot seem to reach resolution or connection between themselves and would like support from an outside party. Participation must be entirely voluntary.

The goal is to create a space for clarity, healthy boundaries, relaxed tension, and in some instances, closure and mutual understanding. Mediation is not a guaranteed process to return to a previous relationship or to create warm-feelings or friendship.

How it can work: 


Rebecca connects separately with all parties involved to understand their perspectives, hopes, and reservations. For groups, this initial process is responsive to the dynamics at hand.



Facilitate gathering(s) between those in conflict.



Following the gathering(s), Rebecca will share an overview of the experience and agreed upon next steps or established boundaries created by the parties.

“We need radical honesty—learning to speak from our root systems about how we feel and what we want. Speak our needs and listen to others’ needs.”

-adrienne maree brown